Gabor Palotai Design

The Mobile Exhibition Lab

Graphic identity for Riksutställningar Mobile Exhibition Lab.
The Mobile Exhibition Lab is a movable technology laboratory that is intended for the Swedish museums and their staff. The mobile lab will tour around Sweden during 2012 and 2013 and visit twelve different cities in collaboration with local museums and other exhibition organizers.

At each stop workshops and lectures will be held in subjects connected with exhibitions. The participants will gain new insights into technology and methods for producing exhibitions, improving accessibility and making exhibitions easier to tour. They will also be able to experiment with how technology can develop the exhibition medium and how it can promote educational activities.

By combining the clients existing logotype (the square and the comma) with question marks, exclamation marks and interjections like “hm?!” and “aha!” the whole process of experimenting, learning and understanding could be manifested in a unique graphical language

German Design Award Nominee 2015
Red Dot Design Award 2013

Gabor Palotai Design

Västerlånggatan 76
111 29 Stockholm, Sweden

Gábor Palotai is a member of
AGI / Alliance Graphique Internationale

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