Gabor Palotai Design


The inner central power turns around its axis. To always be on one’s guard, constantly observing. I turn around, zigzagging my eyes in all directions. The ability to see triggers my mind; it whirls, it speaks to me and an inner dialogue erupts with the speed of lightning. The stable point and the brittle ball are situated where the rotor blades are fastened. To feel how a tornado sweeps forth, carrying with it what’s on the outside and, like a mill, grinds what the eye can actually see. Matter is swiftly pulverized into signals via the interplay with synapses. Muscles advance and deliver to my hand, to where the pencil has its tip. Anything that spins, rotates, can quickly become straight, exact, and sharp lines on a piece of paper. The lines are rolled out in black ink with a distinct direction, they give shape to the construction. Contours cross and converge into function, and a room, a building emerges. Scales consolidate proportions; a blueprint signals how matter can be put together. A jumble of exactness structured as a path of what’s to come. An eraser brings out the last revision that demands the perfect conclusion. A whirl, a thought has brought forth a building.

Carouschka Streijffert

Publisher: Carouschka Streijffert
Pictures, collages and texts: Carouschka Streijffert
Design: Gabor Palotai Design
Translation: Östen Rudal and Sara Nameth
Photography: Bsmart AB and Carouschka Streijffert
Print and binding: Göteborgstryckeriet

Gabor Palotai Design

Västerlånggatan 76
111 29 Stockholm, Sweden

Gábor Palotai is a member of
AGI / Alliance Graphique Internationale

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