ALDC Partnership
The corporate identity for ALDC – an upstart partnership business specializing in future technology, sustainability, digital finance, and innovation strategy – revolves around planets. The different faces of the business are mirrored in the system of the planets. Each planet gives a clear vision, which you can catch at one glance and elaborate futher in the systematic play of patterns and colors. The planets align in different media and relate to each other; they are seen on the same universe and share the same destiny: to bring out a future of innovations and by themselves inspire to imagination.
The corporate identity for ALDC – an upstart partnership business specializing in future technology, sustainability, digital finance, and innovation strategy – revolves around planets. The different faces of the business are mirrored in the system of the planets. Each planet gives a clear vision, which you can catch at one glance and elaborate futher in the systematic play of patterns and colors. The planets align in different media and relate to each other; they are seen on the same universe and share the same destiny: to bring out a future of innovations and by themselves inspire to imagination.